Our Cookie Policy

At theemeralddiary.com, we use cookies to help make your experience on our website better. Cookies are small files stored on your browser or computer that help websites work properly and provide information to website owners. They’re important because without certain cookies, some parts of a website might not work.

We use different types of cookies on our site:

  1. Strictly necessary cookies: These cookies are essential for our site to work properly and for you to use its features.
  2. Analytical/performance cookies: These cookies help us understand how many people visit our site and how they use it, so we can make improvements.
  3. Functionality cookies: These cookies remember your preferences and choices when you return to our site, making your experience more personalized.

You can choose to block or delete cookies through your browser settings. But keep in mind, if you block all cookies (especially essential ones), parts of our site may not work properly. You can also opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites by visiting http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Please note that third-party websites, like social media buttons, may also use cookies when you interact with them through our site. We don’t control these cookies, so it’s a good idea to check the privacy policies of these third-party websites for more information.

Lastly, our site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You can learn more about how your comment data is processed through Akismet.